Is 22 Inch Monitor Good For Gaming? It Depends…

Hey there, fellow gamers; here’s another post that aims to shed light on the unending quest for the ultimate gaming experience. Today’s topic? Monitors.

More specifically, we’re diving deep into the world of 22-inch monitors. You might ask yourself, “Is a 22-inch monitor good for gaming?” Well, that’s exactly the question I will tackle in this article.

I’ve used a wide range of monitors in my gaming journey, from compact 17-inch screens to gigantic 34-inch ultra wides. But today, we’re focusing on a monitor size that many consider too small, but it might seem like the perfect option for some of us with limited space.

Is it good enough for a decent gaming experience, though? Let’s find out!

Why Is Monitor Size So Important for Gamers?

First off, a larger monitor is like a portal into the game world. The wide field of view offered by a bigger screen heightens immersion and pulls you right into the heart of the action, be it the lush wilderness of ‘Red Dead Redemption 2’ or the futuristic cities in ‘Cyberpunk 2077.’ The details are richer, the landscapes are broader, and the gaming experience is incredibly engaging.

But the story doesn’t end there. With size usually comes the prospect of higher resolutions, which means crisper visuals, deeper details, and higher demand for your hardware.

However, within the same resolution, larger screens mean less pixel density, which may reduce the gaming quality for some people. There is a limit at which you start seeing individual pixels if a certain resolution is stretched over a too-large display.

Moreover, it’s worth mentioning if you’re into competitive, fast-paced gaming, you might want to avoid going too big. An oversized screen could mean slower reaction times, especially when every split second counts. So, it’s all about finding the perfect balance – a monitor size that enhances your gaming experience without hindering your performance.

What Are the Benefits of a 22-Inch Monitor for Gaming?

When it comes to gaming, a 22-inch monitor hits a sweet spot that’s hard to ignore. As a gamer, I’ve found that size balances immersion and performance.

On a 22-inch screen, games are displayed large enough for an engaging experience but not so massive that you need to constantly move your eyes or head, which can be a distraction in fast-paced games.

Furthermore, one of the key benefits I’ve noticed is that 22-24” monitors are perfectly suited for Full HD 1080p gaming. You get a crisp, detailed image without overloading your GPU. We’re talking about a nice balance between great visuals and smooth performance, which is a dream come true for most gamers.

And let’s not forget the space factor. A 22-inch monitor is compact enough to fit neatly on most desks, making it ideal for gamers with limited space.

Plus, these monitors usually have a more budget-friendly price tag than their larger counterparts. This affordability, combined with the performance and space benefits, makes the 22-inch monitor a solid choice for both newbie and seasoned gamers alike.

How Does Resolution Affect Gaming on a 22-Inch Monitor?

Resolution is all about the number of pixels packed into your display. More pixels mean more details.

Now, a typical 22-inch monitor comes with a Full HD 1080p resolution, and that’s plenty for an excellent gaming experience. You get crisp, detailed visuals without putting a massive strain on your graphics card.

Sure, 4K sounds fancy, but remember, to fully appreciate the detail of 4K, you’d need a much larger display, and let’s not forget a beefier rig to handle the extra pixels.

With that in mind, I’m not arguing that the 22-inch monitor is the perfect choice, I’m arguing that it’s the best budget-friendly, space-saving option.

What is the Ideal Refresh Rate for a 22-Inch Gaming Monitor?

Now, let’s talk about the refresh rate.

Refresh rate refers to the number of times your screen updates with new images each second. A higher refresh rate translates to smoother, more fluid motion on the screen.

Most 22-inch monitors I had experience with come with a refresh rate of 60Hz, 75Hz, or even 144Hz.

If you’re into fast-paced action or FPS games like ‘Fortnite’ or ‘Counter-Strike,’ a higher refresh rate will serve you well. Although, it’s a big plus in other situations as well.

There may be less to choose from regarding 22-inch monitors with a 144Hz refresh rate because most manufacturers focus on making 24-inch monitors that are more popular in gaming, but they are indeed out there and make a significant difference to gameplay.

Understanding Response Time: Is a 22-Inch Monitor Fast Enough?

Response time is another key factor to consider. It indicates how quickly a pixel can change colors, usually measured in milliseconds (ms). The lower this number, the faster the response, which means less motion blur during fast-paced scenes.

Most 22-inch monitors offer a response time between 1 ms to 5ms. I would argue not to even consider anything other than a 1 ms response time, especially for gaming.

You may ask how response time is related to the screen size, and that’s a valid question. It doesn’t seem logical at first but if you tested the same monitor models in different sizes, you would know that, for example, a 3 ms response time is a much bigger issue on a large display than it is on a small one.

Can a 22-Inch Monitor Support 4K Gaming?

While a 22-inch monitor technically can support 4K resolution, as there are many monitors with these specs to choose from, it’s not necessarily the best choice.

Why? With 4K, you’re packing four times as many pixels as 1080p into the same space. It sounds like a good thing, and it is, but not enough to really justify the cost.

As I mentioned before, 4K gaming is suited for larger screens. On a 22-inch screen, you don’t really get much difference from 1080p to 4K and it often seems like a waste of money.

I would argue that 4K is legit for 25-inch screens and above.

So, while a 22-inch 4K monitor might sound enticing, it doesn’t offer much advantage over a good 1080p display of the same size.

22-Inch vs 24-Inch Monitors: What’s Best for Gaming?

Now, what about jumping to a 24-inch monitor? The difference between a 22-inch and a 24-inch monitor may seem small, but the experience can vary. A 24-inch monitor offers slightly more screen space, creating a more immersive experience.

24-inch is, in my opinion, the perfect choice for 1080p gaming. However, it comes at a higher price and requires more desk space.

The Impact of Monitor Size on Eye Strain: Is 22-Inch Too Small?

Some would argue that a 22-inch monitor is too small and may strain your eyes.

Contrary to that opinion, a 22-inch monitor isn’t too small to cause eye strain. In fact, it matches the natural field of view better than larger monitors at an average desk sitting distance.

The key is to set up your gaming space correctly: the monitor should be at least an arm’s length away, and the top of the screen should be at or slightly below eye level.

To further explain what I mean by that, you need to move a larger monitor further away from you to set it within your field of view properly. That requires even more desk space. So it’s not only the size of the monitor that requires additional desk space but the distance at which you achieve a proper field of view angle.

How to Choose the Right Gaming Monitor: Size and Beyond

While size is crucial, it’s only one of the many factors to consider when choosing a gaming monitor. You also need to think about resolution, refresh rate, response time, panel type, and your budget.

Regarding a 22-inch monitor, you’re looking at a good balance of size, performance, and affordability, making it a fantastic starting point for most gamers.

Think deeply about your needs and uses for that monitor before you buy. It’s easy to waste too much money on a flashy monitor when there are diminishing returns after some price point and you could gain more by spending that money on a better graphics card.

If I were choosing a gaming monitor for 1080p gaming right now, I would go for 22-24 inches, depending on how much space I have, and make sure the monitor has 144Hz with a 1ms response time.

Everything other than that is just picking the brand and display panel which offers better colors, luminosity, and additional features like G-Sync.

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